Wednesday 17 October 2007

Kirschner cartoon "Hard Sell" Nov11,2k6

And as with Hizb--ALLAH in south Lebanon, the Islamo-fascict Jihadis hide their weapons among children, and then they and their apologists scream when the democratically-accountable defenders of the peoples of Israel, of their Druze, Jewish, Christian and Beduoin citizens alike, respond to Jihadi aggression.
The issue is simple - it comes down to the right of the UN-mandated State of Israel to even exist. And so it has been since the UN decision of Nov 29, 1947.
There is peace along the Egyptian and Jordanian frontiers, since they recognised Israel's right to exist. Lebanese, Palestinian and Syrian Arabs also know what to do - IF they too really want a better and peaceful fututre for their own children.
But do they ?
Do tyrants always need scapegoats ?. Especially Jewish ones ?

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