Wednesday 17 October 2007

An Iranian Lebanon - Kirschner cartoon (Dec4,2k6)

And as Churchill once famously said, the optimist is the one who thinks the crocodile will eat him last.
So Japan could invade Manchuria in 1931, Franco could take over Spain in 1936, Mussolini could attack Ethiopia, Hitler could occupy the Rhineland, then annex Austria, invade Czecho-Slovakia, all with total impunity, but the Western crocodile-lovers just waited.
Now Hizb-ALLAH ignore the UN resolution for the de-commissioning of ALL armed elements in Lebanon, attack Israel across the undisputed international frontier, support Syrian imperialism, and assassinate political opponents, while Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad respond to the total Israeli withdrawl from Gaza of Aug 2005, with continuing rocket attacks, and Iran develops both its nuclear and long-range missile capabilities, clearly proclaims its genocidal aims for Israel, but again the Western crocodile-lovers wait.
And wait. Learning nothing from history, and forgeting everything.

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