Monday 11 April 2022

UKRAINE, Putin and his Irish voice, *socialist and feminist* Dublin MEP Clare Daly

Ms Daly wants the 43 M people of Ukraine left totally defenceless in the face of Putin's aggression  - by 190,000 armed invaders whose conduct - in Nazi-style massacres as in BUCHA, NW of the National Capital KYIV,  are clearly not random but systematic - exactly like  that of Hitler's 3,000 EINSATZ-GRUPPEN 81 years before


Daly proclaims  [ as ideology & dogma, but not based on evidence ]  that  Diplomacy is the only answer - well it was tried - Hitler in 1938 signed a piece of paper with Chamberlaine at MUNICH -  we know how that ended. 

But it was also tried with Putin in recent months  - he assured us he would not invade.

And he had also signed the Dec 5, 1994 BUDAPEST MEMO whereby Ukraine gave u all its Nuclear Weapons and in turn he undertook to respect its freedom and sovereignty and terrirotial integrity. But he THRICE  violated that  solemn written international commitment  - in Feb 2014 in invading Crimea [10,100 Square Miles ] and  then in April invading the  Donbas region in SE Ukraine [  invading 3,234 Square Miles of Luhansk Province, and 3,437  Square Miles of Donetsk Province to its South   - about 1/3rd of each ]  and now invading both North, East & South  Ukraine from Thursday Feb 2022 - as well as launching Missile attacks all over the country. 

So how does *Diplomacy*  stop that ? 


Or does Daly even want to stop this SERIAL Russian IMPERIALIST aggression ?

And as a woman and *feminist*, would Daly ever dare tell any woman that she - or any anybody else -   may never use force to prevent her RAPE ?

Rape is very relevant because on Monday Feb 7, 2022, at a joint Press Conference with Pres Macron, Putin talking about  Ukraine - referenced it when be echoed sickening lyrics [ *Sleeping Beauty in a Coffin* ] of a Soviet-era Punk band *Red Mold*

Only the quasi-fascist hard-right fringe  among MEPs [ like German AfD ] plus Daly and Wallace and  their  fringe hard-left [ including  German ex-Reds of *Die Linke*   - who gave us both  the Berlin Wall and the Stasi ] now echo Putin.

Lets recall that if she or Wallace seek re-election  as MEPs

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