Thursday 23 July 2020

Syria and Facebook

Do not miss on  Facebook both  -

[a] *Raqqa Pictures*  and

[b]  *Abood Without Barriers*.

From Raqqa-born Syrian photographer ABOOD HAMAM, now 45, who has survived the terror of both the vicious and Kremlin-armed Assad Regime and  the cruel terror of  ISIL Jihadist gangs.

He very  movingly and memorably captures both  the haunting beauty and the unimaginable horror of  his native land.

He was also featured from 11 AM to 11.30 AM today on   BBC Radio 4  in their *Crossing Continents* series with Tim Whewell .

Feel [ rightly ] very disturbed by the CVD-19 nightmare which now faces us  -   across the Globe  -  as I certainly do ? 

Just look at Raqqa for a  while and see how much worse we could be.  Humans  have faced  - and also survived   - a  lot worse, and we will  also survive this time as well

And just as  both Sarajevo and in 1945 Berlin rose from the ruis,   so will Raqqa  - eventually

And rebuild not only stones but a decent society and culture.

But they will be able to do so in part thanks  to the inspiring  witness of people like Abood Hamam.   

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