Saturday 12 February 2011

What you may get with 3 lawyers ..

How do you destroy the world ? In just 4 years. Or much less. Maybe get 3 lawyers to run [ ruin ] USA foreign *policy*. And especially how you abandon freedom across the Arab/Muslim world. Big on rigid procedure and abstract principles, but not so big on substance and results.
[a] POTUS - 44th US President, Barack Hussein Obama, 49, Harvard Law School, 1991
[b] SOS - US Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton, 63, Yale Law School 1973.
[c] Samantha [*Hilary is a monster* ] Power, 40, Harvard Law School, 1999. Guess which woman, Hilary [ older than Obama by 14 years ] or the younger flame-tressed Sam [ by 9 years ] has the ear of Obama ? In policy and not only personally. And Harvard trumps Yale. Sam also passionately believes in the dangerously naive mantra of her great hero, the late Brazilian UN official, Sergio Vieira de Mello, murdered in Iraq in 2003, that *Fear is a bad adviser*. Sam is a very talented, committed and genuinely idealistic [if sometimes vicious - ask Hil ] woman, but locked into a *mirror-imaging* mindset. In spite of her study of genocide, she seems to lack the imagination, or will, to really listen to the consistent words, as well as the consistent record, of the long-standing hard-core Islamicist fanatics in Egypt, the IKHWAN [ Muslim Brothers ]founded in 1928 in Cairo. Hence her insistent [ and now obviously successful ] pressure on OBH to dump Mubarak while Hil is more cautious - maybe she can recall Bill getting some troubling 3 AM calls ? The great rhetorician, and even greater ditherer, BHO, has veered in every direction since Jan 25 - and Hil is finally [ once again ] sidelined. As she was from the start, with Obama's own *Czars* put in place for every key region. To the ultimate benefit, and likely triumph, of the Brothers. Not only in Egypt. And the concealed delight of Erdogan in Turkey, their soul-brother and model. Ironic too that a woman of 40, Sam, will prove so responsible for such damage to the future of women in Egypt as the Brothers grow, in their well-practised, gradual, cautious mode of increasing infiltration and subversion and slow-motion Shariah, that one-way journey to their *guided Islamic democracy*. Feb 11 in Cairo may indeed prove to be historic but not for the hysteria about *freedom* but for the naive welcome for a post-Mubarak order where only the Muslim Brothers have the organization, resources, people and ideology to eventually determine the ultimate destination. Fear is not always such a bad adviser, but *See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil* is always far worse advice, and it was BHO himself in April 2010 who banned the very use of words like *Jihad* and *radical Islam* across the US Administration. Pure Orwellian - his *New-speak* is alive and well in Obama's DC. How do you make policy about things whose very mention you have outlawed ?

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