Monday, 20 October 2014

Provo twists and turns

The first  [ and totally threadbare ] Provo line of defence against Mairia Cahill was  - *But MARTY MORRIS, Seamus FINUCANE and Padraig WILSON were not found Guilty*.

So ironic to have then now rely on British Justice when they spent so long murdering those who provided that same justice.

But Gerry's own father, Gerry Senior was also never convicted, by any British Court of the child-abuse which Gerry admitted in public.  Did that stop Gerry from telling the truth ? Did that non-conviction cast the slightest doubt on the brutal truth of what Gerry Junior admitted ?

Or did Gerry Junior disbelieve his own niece, Aine Adams, about her child-abuse by Gerry's brother, Liam, until a British Court in Belfast found Liam Guilty ?

Time to stop running,  Gerry, and finally remember that while you can indeed fool some of the people  [ and maybe some of the Media - especially in RTE ] all of the time, and even all of the people [ and maybe almost all of the Media ]  all the time, but   -  after the Mairia Cahill story - you will certainly not fool all of the people all of the time.

Ta do la thart [ your day is over ]  - and for good

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