Friday, 29 January 2010

AFL-CIO Rally - Liz Shuler

The youngest AFL-CIO officer ever [ at 39 ] and their first woman officer, points put that women organized in unions earn on average 30% more.

Elizabeth H. Shuler, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO 2

A forward-looking US perspective, from the first woman to reach the No 2 slot in the 11.5m, 57 union AFL-CIO, the national confederation of trade unions, on the challenges facing unions, in a world where, post-Enron and post-Lehman, Main Street cannot rely on Wall Street to even behave rationally, much less look after Main Street, if unchallenged or totally unregulated, but where workers also must grasp that their own future depends on profitable business.
If a well-ordered state needs real *separation of powers*, with strong, principled but separate Judicial, Legislative and Executive roles, so also does a well-ordered economy need strong, coherent but separate Entrepeneurial, Worker and Regulatory forces.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Ulster MPs Visit Troops in Iraq

DUP MPs Visit Troops in Iraq, originally uploaded by DUP Photos.

2007 MP Iris Robinson [ formerly Collins ] at Autism Walk

2007_1013AutismWalk0002c, originally uploaded by David ....

Ulster politician, Iris Robinson in Iraq 2008

Iris Robinson in Iraq, originally uploaded by DUP Photos.

Iris Robinson, 60- resigned Ulster politician

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Thursday, 7 January 2010

George Galloway UK MP, exposed in TV Interview

Formerly in the British Labour Party, notorious for his uncritical admiration for the Iraqi tyrant, and mass murderer, Saddam Hussein, now aligned with radical Islamicist and hard-left elements in his so-called *Respect Party*, which has only 1 MP, George.