Sunday, 30 March 2008

International Women's Day London 2007

A brave woman of indomitable spirit, abused by uncles as a young girl, and now threatened by Islamicist fanatics, but she willl never surrender. Like Irshad Manji, Wafa Sultan, Ayann Hirsi Ali, and many many more.
But where are all the men ?

Taslima Nasrin

Taslima Nasrin, originally uploaded by WPI _ HKK.

Exiled from her native Bangladesh, since 1994, for her **crime** of speaking freely in her writings. This feminist, 45, who describes herself as a secular humanist, is a newspaper, columnist, poet, novelist and autobiographer, as well as a physician and gynocologist.

Sophie Chiang & Taslima Nasrin

Taslima who spreads and defends her ideas only with her pen, not with a Jihadi sword or bomb.

3 MPs Attack Writer Taslima Nasreen

Freedom is indivisible , and the latest victim of Jihadi thuggery is Taslima Nasreen, 45, a doctor and writer, several of whose books were banned in her native Bangla Desh and is now forced to leave India due to lack of Government protection from threats. The Communist regime in West Bengal, where she had sought refuge, also banned a work of hers. Her health has suffered and she is now in exile in Europe. Another brave woman, like Benazir Bhutto.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

No words needed

_MG_9700, originally uploaded by greekadman.

More Un-for-get-table Greek eyes

_MG_9686, originally uploaded by greekadman.

Greek .. and gorgeous

_MG_9612, originally uploaded by greekadman.